
RADO présente : Le bouc chantait (tragédie)

03/12/2011 - 04/30/2011

Press release

An exhibition presented by the group RADO*, with works by Madeleine Bernardin Sabri, Florian Fouché, Marie Preston and Marie-Charlotte Chevalier, Claire Tenu, and Antoine Yoseph.
RADO is an acronym of variable meaning. The first two letters designate research and art; the second two are adaptable to the circumstances and desires of those who join their names under these four letters. This fluctuating or floating nature reminds us of Fernand Deligny’s description of a raft (fr. radeau): “tree trunks held loosely together”. For us, this image is the clearest representation of the common work produced through the activity of many.
RADO’s activities predate the group’s name. The exhibition Champs d’abondance (“Fields of abundance”), presented in January 2009 at the Galerie Dix9, was its first public manifestation. Adrien Malcor’s work on Sumerian lists served as the impetus for a collective investigation of the idea of abundance. Rather than illustrate a theme, we wanted to introduce figures and motifs (the container, the mold, the land of Cockaigne, the reserve, etc.) by adjusting the formal relations among the art works presented in order to construct an exposition space unconditioned by a prior discourse and, thus, open to experience.**

* RADO currently includes Fanny Béguery, Madeleine Bernardin Sabri, Florian Fouché, Adrien Malcor, Anaïs Masson, Marie Preston, Maxence Rifflet, Claire Tenu, and Antoine Yoseph.

** Installation views of the exhibition and Adrien Malcor’s text can be found at the Internet address and, soon, on the site